Thursday, August 23, 2012

Friends are forgetless

Nowadays, people didnt understand the meaning of BESTFRIENDS. They forget "them" and so do I. Well, the story begins here, we're so CLOSE till the others thought that we're sisters.

**FLASHBACK, I remembered when I was young, I've once asked her "Where you want to go, if you got an excellent result?" then so she replied "Same school with you ;) " . I cant even say a word. I was about to cry. Till then, we both got excellent result and we requested the same school. I've got a phone call from the school and I was accepted to be there but she wasnt. I cried all the day long. Nevermind, maybe there must be a reason behind all these. One day, as I step my feet to the school, WOAHH there were so many friends but Im still waiting for "her". I aint gonna make new friends till she will be accepted to be in the school. One day, I got a phone call from my mom that my bestfriend will be here. I WAS LIKE."OMG" I waited here. yeahh we got the same class, same room, same homeroom and everything were same even we got the same bed. As she was the 2nd intake, she got at the back seat, and I got the front, but Im willing to exchange my place to sit at back with her. We're fine till the day came. Suddenly, she exchange her place at the front and didnt ask me to join her, she ignored me. I was soo DOWN AND DISSAPOINTED. HOW COULD HER??!! .  She 's soo evil and cruel. Everything were TWISTED. She's stole everything that I loved most. My friends, my teachers. She was good and nice infront of "their" eyes yet she was cruel and evil behind them. DONT JUDGE PEOPLE BY ITS COVER. We might know her physicality but not from mentality. and yet people chose the wrong person.  How could her, we've been together since kid 7years old. We're like sisters a.k.a TWIN. but my guess was wrong. Till now, we never talk comfortly and we talk when it is needed. She forget me. After six years we've been together, she forgot me. Now, she's with her new friends. Currently, she bored with me and maybe need need a NEW FRIEND to "lighten" up her world. yeahh

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." credits to Robert Frost. ;)

I wish one thing and it is the one and only my request ; rewind the past time.

lots of love xxx

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